Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hello! I hope in your corner of the world you have sunshine. Here in Wisconsin it is rainy and cold today.

I know there hasn't been a lot of action happening this past year on the Technique Junkie Blog, but Pat and the Design team are looking to create more activity here. Our goal is to have TWO projects (at least) posted each week. We are excited to share more things with you!
I do not recall seeing to many cards using the STAND ALONE technique that was put in the February- Match issue. The Stand Alone technique was an ONLINE BONUS for all of you subscribers! If you are a Junkie - you can view more in the Art Gallery HERE.

Here are a few more details for you:

Stamps: Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps, Autumn Blessings

Cardstock: Basic Black, Whisper White, Daisy D's Holly Red

Accessories: Copics, Black Gems, Black and White Gingham

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Come back later in the week to see another beautiful project designed by Cathy.

Chrissy D


  1. Very pretty!!! I love that image!

  2. Very pretty card! I will have to go check out that technique.

  3. Beautiful card, Chrissy! I made one for a Retreat we had in April. I haven't posted it anywhere, as I don't have a blog. Maybe I'll share it on the TJ Yahoo group.

    Chris in Calgary, AB Canada

  4. Very pretty Chris!!! Great job with this!!!
