Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chocolate and Friends!

Happy Tuesday, Friends!! Today, I'm show casing the Airbrush Marker technique from your most recent newsletter!! I was inspired by fellow designer, Chris Dickenson, to combine omitting with the technique. I think it works great to showcase the vibrant colors against the black/white accents of the card--the omitting helps to pull everything together.

I hope you're having a spectacular day and that each of you has a friend with chocolate!

TTFN, Jane


  1. Ohhh Jane- This is Absolutely FABULOUS! I love the colors you used. BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Positively stunning! I can't wait to have a moment to play with the new newsletter!

  3. I don't ever plan on acquiring an airbrush set-up, so I'm fascinated with what people do with theirs. this is such a colorful, darling card!

  4. I definately need an air sprayer. If you know me, you know I love these bright colours. Terrific job!
