Thursday, March 25, 2010

Try That Technique

Good Thursday morning. It's Beth here and do we have an awesome technique for you to try this week. Diana Enns and I challenged each other to use the Geometric Over-Stamp from the April 2005 isssue, so pull out that issue, and play along with us.

Don't worry about not having all geometric stamps as shown in the tutorial. Just use what you have. If you look closely, you will see my circle has scallops. Just wing it--pun intended--LOL. TJ techniques are all about having fun.

Please don't forget to link up your card for your chance to have your card on the TJ Yahoo group home page for the week. How fun is that?!

How the collage background was created:
  • Clear embossed Fancy Pants large flourish on 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ cardstock
  • Stamped Stampendous writing stamp in Adirondack’s Espresso over top of clear embossing. Wiped embossed area clean of ink so words receed in behind the flourish
  • Stamped Fancy Pants flower with VersaMark and embossed with clear e.p. over part of the writing to receed the flower into the background
  • Stamped Fancy Pants checkers with black VersaFine ink
  • Sponged the following colours onto the collage background: Adirondack, Sunset Orange, Citrus, Pool and Wild Plum
  • Stamped Inkadinkado butterfly over the Geometric Over Stamp background, cut the image out and adhered it to the collage background


  1. Beth, this is so lovely! Your background is beautiful, too.

  2. I can't emboss because of the danger to my lungs from the powder and heat so I use that neat wax resist that I Brake for Stamps sells. It works WONDERFULLY and you get the white areas that resist everything that I've used so far and no embossing or heat!

  3. Oh, I'm so in love with that card, awesome work, Beth. xoxo

  4. Just fabulous! I love those vibrant colors on the butterfly, especially.

  5. Awesome!! I tried using the Mr. Linky, but I'm not sure it worked. Here is a link to my card

  6. Fun technique- here is a link to my card. Great technique! Thanks for the challenge.

  7. Your card is amazing! I love how it looks totally and the colors are yummy!!!

