Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wisped Frames

At this time of year our thoughts gravitate towards spring. As stampers, we find ourselves using spring-like colours, stamps, and images. These darling Robin eggs are nestled in just waiting for spring to arrive.

It is also the time of year that I start to make Easter cards for my family. This year my cards will showcase spring birds and nests purchased at Twisted Papers. It still surprises me how long birds have been in vogue for us cardmakers.

Speaking of trends, the downloading of images have really taken off, haven't they. How about digital stamps? Have you downloaded any yet? I'm such a stamp-in-the-hand kind of gal that I haven't downloaded any. Instead, I download high quality coloured images from Twisted Papers.

Both of my images use the Wisped Frames technique. Did you notice the Mono Dies background as well? The flower die, used in my background, was purchased from Stampin' Up, and bought specifically for the Mono Dies Technique.

By the way, Diana Enns (a TJ subscriber) and I challenge each other to use a new technique each week. Our challenges are posted to our blogs every Wednesday, and we shout out for you to join in on the fun. Simply create a card with the Wisped Frames technique for everyone to see and post it to the TJ Yahooo Group.

Thank you for stopping by. Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see another lovely technique from Pat's team.

Beth Norman


  1. Beth, you are my hero! I love your cards so much. This one is absolutely gorgeous!

  2. What a lovely combination of techniques, Beth! This is an absolutely darling card.

  3. Thats absolutely gorgeous. What a stunning card
    hugs June xxxx
