Thursday, April 15, 2010

Try That Technique

Hi, it's Beth here, with a new technique. Diana Enns and I challenged each other to use the Cling and Scrunch technique from the June 07 issue. Normally I would have a link to Diane's awesome card, but her blog wasn't available. Could be a blogger glitch this morning. Yikes!

As you can see, I used one colour on my technique because I wanted the look of water for my ark.

Each week we challenge you to trying the technique for the week, and we are doing it again. Link yourself up to Mr. Linky for your chance to win a week on the TJ Yahoo group home page.

This week's winner is Beth Ullman. Congratulations, Beth. Your awesome card is on our home page. Yahoo!

Ark Stamp: Our Daily Bread; Cloud Stamp Odd Bird Planet; Ribbon, Stampin' Up

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