Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Color My World....

Happy Tuesday, again! Jane Bosi, here, sharing a project featuring the Whisped Frames technique, February 2010. This is the pefect way to highlight my adorable image from Hambo Stamps. I just love this little Pig-casso!

Yes, I did find myself a bit clever when I discovered an awesome paint splat stamp from I Brake For Stamps--I made my "faux" Bingo Blast (April 2009) this way....patting myself on the back a time or two for my genius! LOL! Some would call it lazy, but.......oh, how it made me happy! The musical score background stamp is from Impression Obsession and the sentiment, from Amuse.

It's a rather loud card, but as the sentiment goes....you color my world!! Go color yours!
TTFN, Jane


  1. This is such a cute card.......love that little "Hambo" stamp......I may have to look at those when I decided to "blow" my budget.


  2. Totally wonderful color, Jane! It's a darling card!

  3. Hee hee. Stinkin' adorable card. ALL of your cards make me "HAPPY"! A stop at your blog is like therapy....how could anyone not be smiling and giggling? Love to see you on this blog too. What a joy you are with all of your beautiful cards and a sense of humor that's even more beautiful!!

  4. Okay, this is too stink'n cute. Love the bg technique with the music over top. You are so creative and always show off the technique in an interesting manner. I quickly scanned to see who did the card, and my guess was right. I think I can tell your style right off.
