Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chalk It Up

Good Morning, Junkies! Jane Bosi, here, sharing a card featuring the Pulled Pastels (February 2010) technique. I especially love techniques that bring new life to supplies I otherwise would neglect. Pastels....not my favorite, but this technique alone convinces me that I need to keep them close by!

My image is an awesome silhouette stamp from Whipper Snapper Designs called "Cow Girl."

Now, it's your turn! Go ahead and give it a try!

TTFN, Jane


  1. mmmmm, I love the way this card comes together....now i am off to find the technique and my pastels to try it too, lol

  2. Wow, this is gorgeous! Pastels?? No way. This looks like a rich oil painting!

  3. LOve how this all came together.......looks like a painting.....great card

  4. Wonderful card! I agree with the others, it does look like an oil painting!

  5. It is gorgeous and a great reason to never get rid of any of our supplies!!! LOL Just a perfect combination of colors and theme!!!

  6. I have not tried that technique, but your wonderful card makes me want to! The whole card is pulled together wonderfully!

  7. WOW! Gorgeoous artwork Jane! Truly inspirational!

  8. Thud. This has to be the best results for pulled pastels that I have seen. Truly an awesome stamp to use too. Wonderful card Jane.
