Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stencilled Collage

It's Beth here with Try That Technique. Each week I post a new technique that Diana Enns and I challenge each other to use, and this week we challenge each other, and you, to do Stencilled Collage from the August 2008 issue.

I'm back on my feet, and am behind the wheel, and ready to see all of your work. One of you will be the lucky winner of having your card on the Technique Junkie Yahoo group homepage for the week. Everyone has a fair chance to win.

Please leave a comment and tell me that you have a card on your blog, or if you submitted it to the TJ Yahoo group. I don't want to miss out on seeing your work.

Happy stamping Junkies!


  1. I don't have one on my blog with this challenge, but sure do love what you did with yours! Love the blues and the black contrast works so well!

  2. Wow, Beth! This is a beautiful card!

  3. This card is so fresh and pretty! After seeing this, I am so inspired to try this technqiue.


  4. I've put my card on my blog:
    and I will post it to the TJ group.
    This is a beautiful technique.

  5. I put my card on my blog - it's a fantastic technique!!
