Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scrunchie.....another old favorite

It's Evelyn here....with a funky favorite technique:  Scrunchie.  It appeared in the November 2007 newsletter.     This past week, I recycled magazines and catalogs and saved several great glossy covers and pages from the Coldwater Creek catalog. There were also some beautiful red and black butterflies on a New Yorker cover, which I used  for this card.    The stamped image is from Diva Impressions, an unmounted I "found" in my mess of unmounteds.    (No one else has that problem, surely!!) 

Evelyn Spikes

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous card Evelyn. Thanks for reminding me about the Scrunchie technique. It's one of my favs because I get to recycle magazines and catalogs! That's always a satisfying feeling.
