Thursday, July 15, 2010

Try That Technique: Top Latch Card

Hey, it's Beth here and it's Try That Technique Thursday already. This week Diana and I challenged each other to do the Top Latch Card from the June 2008 issue.

Just like back in 2008 when I created two cards for the newsletter, I pulled out my brayer. I don't know why, but my brayer whispers to me when I make this style of card.

I hope my card inspires you to try this fun technique which is June 2008 on-line bonus technique.

Don't forget to post your card to the Yahoo group and to link up to this post for your chance to have your card posted on the front page of the Yahoo group home page for the week.

Our winner for this week is Cheryl Miller. Congratulatins Cheryl, your card is on the home page.


  1. Absolutely beautiful!! This is what they call eye candy!

  2. I agree with Hetty! It's beautiful - everything is so eye-catching! Well dun!

  3. I tried to find the technique for June 2008, and couldn't find it! Can you help me out with this? Thanks!

  4. These colors are fabulous....and I LOVE that dragonfly image. It's one of my favorite 'oldies.'

  5. Clare, it's the bonus on-line technique.

  6. I've finished my card and posted it on my blog.
    Another fun technique.

  7. I love it. Beautiful. Annette
