Saturday, September 4, 2010


HI TJ friends. Happy Saturday!! Kathie McGuire here to show you an old/favorite technique of mine.

Today's card is the ever popular Tri Shutter card that I can't seem to stop making!! I adore the folds and cuts which give me so many little pallettes to display some of my favorite TJ techniques.

The featured technique today is Pencil-Over-Marker, an old favorite of mine from the 2/05 newsletter. I thought it was the perfect technqiue to use on the rose images.

I hope you're off to a great weekend. And remember, make a good weekend even better--go stamp something!!

Stamp Hugs,

Kathie McGuire


  1. Oh Kathie!!! This is beautiful! (I realize that there are only so many wonderful adjectives for your work!)
