Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Somethin' Sweet....

Is what this little Ghostie is!! Jane Bosi comin' at you with a little Halloween fun! I know, I'm cutting it a little close with my Cuttlebug Smoosh (August 2008) share--last week's Try That Technique--but didn't it turn out cool? LOL!! Thursday is just around the corner so, if you haven't tried it--get goin'! There will be a new technique to try in a few days!

The Ghostie stamp is from I Brake For Stamps; the sentiment is Amuse. I've had my eye on that little guy for quite some time. He sure was fun to color with my Copic markers. I also had the chance to pull out my Copic airbrush--that always makes for a good day!

Speaking of good days.....go have one!

TTFN, Jane


  1. that web looks like frosting! ;-) Such a cute card!

  2. Great card for Halloween. I like the cute ones best!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
