Thursday, September 9, 2010

TRY THAT TECHNIQUE: Cuttlebug Smoosh

Hello TJ friends. It's Beth here with this week's challenge with Diana Enns, and with you. Our challenge is to use the Cuttlebug Smoosh Technique from the October 2007 issue.

My card highlights stamps from I Brake for Stamps and are coloured to match the Cuttlebug Smoosh background.

To enter your card into our challenge, please link up your card, or send it to the Yahoo group. Linking here ensures I do not miss your card.

The winner will have their card posted on the home page of the TJ newsletter yahoo group for the week.

CONGRATULATIONS BARB BENSON. You are the winner of the Cuttlebug Highlights challenge from last week. Your photo is on the home page.

PLEASE NOTE: There will not be a challenge next week as I will be on vacation. The next challenge will be on September 23.


  1. Wow, Beth, this card is jumping of my pc screen. It is absolutley FAB!! Great colors and coloring.

  2. This is lovely! The flower is a perfect focal image for that background.

  3. Although I'm late for the challenge (my granddaughter was born on Tuesday), I had to submit my try at Cuttlebug Smoosh. You can see it here:
