Saturday, January 22, 2011

Glitter Ribbons by Ann Clack

I had this made yesterday as part of my one card a day (min 5) each week.  My friend, Penny, and I made a bunch of backgrounds the other day and this blue one was just perfect for a birthday card for my son, Jim.  Stamps by Clear Dollar.  My son (and my DH and I as well) love Mustangs and Jim's is blue.  The inside of the card will have the car stamped again, partially, but this time it will be colored magenta which was the color his car used to be!   Colored with copics.  Unfortunately, you can't see the light blue on the interior of the car nor the hash marks on the windshield in light grey.


  1. Great card, love the bg paper and I love how you cut the car out and left just enough white underneath. Looks fab!~Diane

  2. Cute card! Looks perfect for a man card which is very hard to do!

  3. i lovethis card. very rich blues! xo

  4. Thanks, guys! Beth....the car has a small amount of metal flake....enough to look classy and not like a ski boat! ;-)
