Thursday, March 24, 2011

Technique Junkie Newsletter
Celebrate March Madness
Unprecedented Pricing!

Crystal Beaded Flourishes by Nancy Judd
Crystal Beaded Flourishes by Nancy Judd

The Crystal Beaded Flourishes Technique is one of the 15 tutorials featured in the April 2011 issue. The April issue will be mailed in a week -- make sure your subscription is current to join in the fun!

Has your subscription run out? Take advantage of the 10% discount TODAY! 

Dear Pat,

Celebrate March Madness! From today through March 31st, everything is on sale for 10% off! Place your order for any CD, renewal, back issue, online order
-- any combination of things -- to receive 10% off!

To realize your savings, simply place your order using PayPal, and put the phrase "march madness" in the comments section. I will refund the 10% discount to you!

Would you prefer to pay by check? Send me an email with your item selection and I will email you back with the discounted total.  It is that simple!

Want an idea of what the savings are? Here are some examples of the savings:
  • One year US renewal: $16.20 (normally $18.00)
  • One year Overseas renewal: $21.60 (normally $24.00)
  • Emboss or Die AND Fancy Folds CDs: $32.31 (normally $35.00)
  • Emboss or Die CD: $16.15 (normally $17.95)
  • Fancy Folds and Motion CD:  $16.15 (normally $17.95)
 You are not limited to these items -- this is just an example of the savings. Order  renewal and back issue items HERE and the Emboss or Die CD Here. Want to order renewal and the Emboss or Die? Just go to each page and put what you would like into your shopping cart. Of course, feel free to email me with your order if you would prefer that I send you an invoice. 

Hurry! This promotion will expire March 31st. Place your order today!


Patricia Huntoon
Technique Junkie Newsletter
Simply place the words MARCH MADNESS in the comment field when you check out with PayPal and you will save 10% off your ENTIRE order!

Offer Expires: March 31st 2011

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