Friday, May 27, 2011

Brick Wall

Hello everyone, Donna here!

It's my turn to post today, and I've got an ATC to share with you. I used the Brick Wall tutorial from the December 2010 newsletter. I did mine a little differently, though. I used hexagons instead of rectangles and I used scraps of neutral colored papers instead of reds making mine look like a patio rather than a wall. It's an entirely different look, but the technique is exactly the same. I'm not sure about the stamps credit on this one because I ditched the packaging, but it's a clear stamp and I believe it's from Stampendous.

To my fellow U.S. junkies, have a fun and safe Memorial Day holiday!  To everyone else, have a great weekend!


  1. I love how you took this to the next level and made it your own, just gorgeous!

  2. I also like the way you took the basic design of the tech and made it your this ATC - tfs

  3. This is great! How did you create the hezagons? Do you have a punch?

  4. Thanks, all!

    @Theresa - yes, it's a punch.

  5. Oh my goodness....I didn't even need to look over at the artist's name to know who created this beauty! Your style is unique and wonderful, always so pleasing and inspiring at the same time. Thank you for sharing such a lovely work of art.
