Monday, June 13, 2011

Grungy Altered Titles - Stampbooking CD Blog Hop by Judy Jackson

Welcome to the Technique Junkie Stampbooking Blog Hop! This is Judy Jackson welcoming you to the first stop. Please make sure you follow the entire Blog Hop to be able to win a wonderful prize at the end! Jane Bosi has a great prize to tell you about!

The Stampbooking CD is full -- 75 different techniques full! -- of different ways to use your stamps (and other products of course) in different ways in your scrapbook. In addition, these techniques can also be used on cards! How great is that!

This scrapbook page uses the Altered Grungy Titles Technique. I used stamps from Stampers Anonymous, Hampton Arts, and Stampin' Up!

I am working on several scrapbooks at the same time -- have you ever done that? This page is for the scrapbook that will highlight different aspects of my life -- I am a sister, a mother, a cousin, a grandmother, a wife, a teacher, an aunt, a friend, a stamper, a scrapbooker, and so on. It is meant to be a brief glimpse of who I am. I want to be sure that my grandchildren - especially - know who I am and what makes me tick! It will not be meant to be a total history of my life. I already have a scrapbook that is sort of biographical of my childhood and has pictures of my ancestors. The little girl in this picture is me at about age 3 1/2. The photo is matted several times - the last mat layer is a sheet of vellum.

The TJ Designers, along with several Spotlight Stampers, have worked hard to bring you this inspirational Hop. Please leave them all a little love when you visit! The Hop Designers are:

We all hope you really enjoy this Blog Hop! And if you haven't ordered the Stampbooking CD - my question is why not? It is just terrific! You can find all the pertinent info on the side bar of Pat Huntoon's blog.
Judy Jackson


  1. Judy, your page is absolutely ADORABLE and the title is wonderful.
    Love the vintage style.

  2. This is great, Judy...I love your feminine take on this technique!

  3. Judy, this is totally gorgeous! I wish I had your scrapbooking skills!

  4. I love your page! There is soooo much detail, yet your focal point remains prominent. Beautiful!

  5. Beautiful page, JUdy. I love the vintage look and all of your embellishments!

  6. Judy, this is gorgeous! Love all those charms and embellishments!

  7. What a beautiful scrapbooking layout. I don't scrap but I love to veiw the ideas as they many times work into cards as well.

  8. Hi Judy! Ooohhh... LOVE this title, I will have to give this technique a try for sure! Your page is beautiful and I love the idea of the scrapbook you are creating it for. Great work!

  9. Love your page. What a fabulous focus for a scrapbook.

  10. Oh,Judy, this is so pretty. I'm looking at it and seeing new details every time. Your details to the tags is awesome. Beautiful work.

  11. Unable to post a comment on Emora Designs blog. Blogger acting up!

  12. Hi Judy - Love all the little touches and the colors used in this lovely creation.

  13. Beautiful page, Judy. Love all the embellishments and vintage look. Love what you're leaving for your grandchildren...and they will too!

  14. Lovely page, Judy, and such a great idea for a scrapbook!

  15. Judy, this is fabulous. I also work on my family history and this is a perfect page to spotlight your "sisterhood". Thanks so much for the inspiration. Hopefully I will get to try this soon...

  16. Sadly there was no picture on the site when I had a look...but from the comments left it must have been fantastic and I am really sorry that I have missed this master piece.

  17. At first I thought, "Too vintagy for me," but more I looked at it, the more I like it. Very nice!

  18. Very adorable! It alone convinced me to purchase the CD! LOL

  19. Great job on this layout - and I have a pic of me that has a similar look to you at the same age - those dresses and shoes and hair styles must have been popular back then :)

  20. Hi Judy. Your page layout is darling. I love the vintage style and this is perfect. Cute picture and the way you layered your papers and added all of your embellishments; the paper, metal, ribbon and flowers is very well done. Thanks for sharing your artistry with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. <3 Candy

  21. This is something different. I like it.

  22. Sweet page....I love the old photo.
    Can't wait to see more.

  23. love the layout n& the vintage
    Look. Cute picture of you.
    Vicky Schmidt

  24. Beautiful- love everything about your page! Love the sweet photo and the mats, love the vintage elements- Wow!

  25. Love the vintage elements and thank you for showing how it can be used in a card as well!

  26. Oh my, how fabulous is this? Stellar vintag work! Love the lettering and all that wonderful Tim Holts metal. So glad you joined in our distressing challenge over at Simon Says Stamp and Show this week.
