Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Faux Quilted Diamonds--Stampin' Companion CD

{Jane Bosi} Good morning, Stampers!! Today I am sharing a card I created using the Faux Quitled Diamonds tutorial. The tutorial is located on the Stampin' Companion CD. If you don't have a copy of the CD yet, you can order it right here OR visit TJNL at the Heirloom Stamp Show this weekend in Allentown, PA!! That cute little flamingo is a digital image from I Brake For Stamps (a TJ vendor). The sentiments are from an older set I have made by Firecraker Designs by Pamela. I've shared some thoughts on my personal blog about digital stamps, you can read it here :) I hope you are all having an inky day--TTFN, Jane

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