Thursday, May 10, 2012

Try That Technique Thursday Is Baaaack!!!

{Jane Bosi} Happy Thursday, Friends!!!  Today, I'm happy to announce that after a LOOOOOONG hiatus, Nancy Dawson and I are bringing back the Try That Technique Challenge!  We've worked out a fabby schedule of challenges for all of us and hope that you will play along!  We've changed things up a bit and will host a new challenge every OTHER week.  The challenge will always be announced here--as well as our blogs!

For todays challenge, we are using a current technique (April/May 2012) called Cascading Images.  I'm using images from the TJ Vendor company, Sweet N Sassy Stamps.  This set, Every Day Miracles, is one of my favorites! 

Won't you play along?  You can link your project in our comments section and/or post it to the egroup.  Everyone wants to see your gorgeous work...C'mon!

TTFN, Jane


  1. I like this challenge, and hope that I can take part in it! Need to check out the tutorial for Cascading Images again. Your card is beautiful, Jane.

  2. beautiful sample! maybe i'll get the chance to play -- thanks for giving us two weeks! xo

  3. First time using this technique! Here's my card:

  4. This was a fun challenge. Glad this is back to encourage me to us use the techniques more. Here is my creation.

