Monday, July 30, 2012

Brown Bag Gift Pouch

Kathie McGuire here today, and I'm sharing a little brown bag project that I made recently. I used a lunch-size bag I purchased at the grocery store and folded it up to make a pocket. Then, I sewed the sides to keep it shut. I used the Aged Parchment techique from the 6/08 newsletter on the white doily. It was rather fragile, so I carefully brushed on the liquid color rather than soaking the doily directly in the liquid. All of the other items used were odds-n-ends from my stash. The brown paper package tied up with string (like the song--LOL) is a chocolate bar from Trader Joe's grocery store. It measures 4" X 4" so it fit perfectly inside the pouch. The little pick is a dollar store find--I think they're olive picks, but they worked perfectly for my "sign." I hope you've enjoyed the project and thanks for stopping by. Kind wishes, Kathie


  1. I made two of these a few years ago for Christmas gifts. I'd love to post them, but don't know where to do it here on the blog.

  2. love your bag..good for all year round!

  3. I love your gift bag, it is very lovely and Vintage looking.

  4. Wonderful project, Kathie.
    I love those vintage colors. Great gift.
