Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Great Gifts to You Blog Hop! by Judy Jackson

Today the Technique Junkie Design Team has a Blog Hop Surprise for you!  But first ~~ did you know there are ONLY  89 days left until Christmas?  For some people, that sounds like a lot and for others that number brings about an almost state of panic!  Panic can set in if you have a lot of home made gifts you want to make for family and friends.  

I can still remember receiving a box of fabric and a pattern from my mother for Christmas.  She was going to make a dress and it just didn't happen.  That didn't happen until I was a teenager and it didn't happen often.  Don't let this happen to YOU!  Make sure you buy the brand new Technique Junkie Great Gifts CD!  You can be ready for Christmas without panic!
But now you wonder -- hmm, just what type of gifts are on this CD?  The CD contains 40 paper crafting projects with gifts for all occasions.There are boxes, bags, surprises and even explosions on this CD! The CD is just $14.95 plus postage. A full index list of what is on the CD – with pictures of each project – is available at this website.


Use the link on the side bar to order.  
Are they difficult to make?  Nope, not at all.  Are there step by step instructions to make the directions easy to follow? Yes, just like all of the Technique Junkie CDs and the website newsletter, there are easy to follow directions with pictures!
So what are you waiting for?  You know it, you really do.  You really do NEED this Great Gifts CD.  
Here is my project - a K Cup gift holder. 
Nearly every adult loves coffee and the K-Cup machine are so very popular I think this is a perfect gift - not just for Christmas either.  Filling this little box with three K Cups and you have a perfect stocking stuffer gift, a gift to accompany a new K-Cup Christmas gift, and/or a hostess gift for a dinner or a over night visit at the home of a friend!  Make up several of these and you are good to go!
Like any blog hop -- there is a beginning and stops along the way. This is the first stop of this Blog Hop. Pat Huntoon is the last stop for our Great Gifts CD Blog Hop. The rest are listed here below. 
8: Beth Norman:
10: Shelly Schmidt:
There is a drop down menu on the side bar where you can order the Great Gifts CD (or any other TJ CD of your choice).  And did you know that these TJ CDs are wonderful gifts all on their own for your stamping buddy friend (or family member)!
Happy Hopping! 
Perhaps I will see you in a crafting aisle of some store buying supplies for all of the gifts you will be making from this CD! 
Judy Jackson


  1. Isn't this K cup holder a great project? You rocked it.

  2. your link for more information is broken. I"m curious about what is on the CD- full size templates? directions? videos? I love what Shelly made!

  3. Starting the hop now!! Love your project! Will be wonderful to do for all my coffee drinkers!

  4. Great gift idea. Love how the tag sentiment coordinates with the gift.

  5. Great little project.....looking forward to getting this cd. Thanks

  6. Judy, this is one of my favorite projects from the CD - you did such an awesome job!!

    Danee, the CD contains step-by-step pictorial instructions for each project. I have a link on my blog if you want to check it out!

  7. Fabulous project- and a great gift for the Holidays- I have a few friends that would LOVE this!!!

  8. Great Project, this CD will be on my have to have list!

  9. Judy, this is fabulous! I know so many people who would love to have this for a gift!

  10. Great gift for the coffee drinkers in my life, especially those whom received their coffee makers last Christmas from me Can't wait to try my hand at this project

  11. Wonderful, Judy! This would be awesome for stocking stuffers!

  12. Great projects. I can hear the CD calling my name.
