Monday, November 5, 2012

Cascading Images in a Scrapbook by Judy Jackson

the purpose of this post is not to showoff  my great scrapbook stitching skills -- because they are not that great!  However I do want to show you how you can use a TJ stamping technique on  a scrapbook page.

This past July we went to family wedding. Our wedding gift to the Bride and Groom is a scrapbook of their wedding.   Because it was destination wedding and there were lots of things to do -- this scrapbook will be quite large.   This is about page 40! I have turned our downstairs family room into a marathon scrap station.   When I am doing a marathon scrapping session, I cannot use my table in my craft room - there just isn't enough space!

Please look at the three pictures of the little flower girl.  Do you notice how they "cascade down" the page?  The cascading images just draw your eyes  down and draw your eyes to look at each picture.  The technique for Cascading Images is from the April 2012 issue of Technique Junkie newsletter.

This is a card I posted for the Cascading Images technique on this blog on May 12, 2012.  You can see how the flower image also cascade down the page on the card. While the flower image is the same stamp - each flower image is painted slightly different.  Using the same subject in your pictures with slight variations can also work.  In a scrapbook - this technique

can be dramatic, adorable, mischievous, or just plain interesting depending on what images you use and the story you are trying to  tell (or show via pictures) on your scrapbook page.

What Technique Junkie technique have you used in your scrapbooks?  Have you done any scrapping recently? Perhaps this is the time to do some scrapping!

Enjoy your week!

Judy Jackson

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