Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Eggshell Technique

Hi everyone it's Jackie K here. I have been thinking for quite some time that I wanted to revisit the older CD's that I haven't looked at for awhile. This technique is really an oldie but Boy oh Boy is it a Goodie! It is the Eggshell technique from the First Edition CD 2003 and it is a Bonus technique. I remembered this technique after I made some egg salad and had all the shells in the sink. So I looked for it and found it. This card is the result. All those shimmery eggshells at the bottom of the card were sprayed with gesso, painted with acrylic paint and doused with glitter. Of course that was after I had glued them all to some light weight cardboard cut to the shape I had in mind. Pretty cool hey? So if you think those older CD's have techniques that are old and out of style...you are so wrong. Revisit them yourself and give some a try. I think I will pick a technique from CD 2 for the next time I post here in 2 weeks.

I hope to see you then,
Jackie K


  1. Very cool -- I think i will need to revisit this technique as well.

  2. Oh my goodness! What a spectacular technique. You've done a phenomenol job with this card, Jackie. Just fantastic!
