Monday, January 28, 2013

Reverse Clear Stamped Butterfly by Judy Jackson

The Reverse Clear Stamped technique is just so cool! It is from the current Technique Junkie newsletter.  I love this stamp from Close to My Heart.   I do wish that this butterfly could fly Spring here a little faster. I am tired of cold weather! 

The focal image is layered on black and then on some scraps of technique papers from so long ago I do not remember what the technique was!  Background paper is layered on the card base.   a strip of the background paper is adhered under the punched out border. 

I hope you have had a wonderful day and the weather is clear and sunny wherever you are! My hubby and I head to Florida today.  I will be stamping while I am there!

Have a great day!

Judy Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work. I love the butterfly, and that blue. Have fun in Florida.
