Thursday, March 14, 2013

Textured Paint Technique by Judy Jackson

Snow on the trees in March. For many of us that seems silly, but for lots of other places it is a last vestige of winter holding on.  This technique is from the current newsletter.   Can you see the three deer peeking through the trees? The clouds are made from a template I made from a sheet of scrap acetate.  I used a black magic marker and drew "cloud bumps" not too close together. And I cut them out. Now I lay my cloud template down on card stock and sponge the edge creating either a cloudy sky, storm clouds, sunset, or sun rise - whatever I want my sky to look like. choose appropriate colors and there you go. The trees were die cut and then sponged in several shades of green and a bit of brown. After the trees were almost dry, I sponged on some white paint.

I know there are some people who cannot get enough of winter and snow -- but I am done with it, please!  Spring cannot come quickly enough for me!

Judy Jackson


  1. Yes indeed I can see the deer peaking from the trees. I've had enough of winter too. Great card.

  2. I love it! We still have snow here, but that means 'maple syrup' yum! :)Your card is adorable, love the hidden deer.

  3. Wow, I love all these great techniques you've done here. Such a fabulous result!
