Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Embossed Stickles at Sunset

Hello, Beth Norman, here with an Embossed Stickles card.  What a fun way to use Stickles.   I have about 20 different colours--they are so addictive.   You will find this technique on the the Shimmer Glimmer Sparkle and Shine CD.

My Small Couple stamp is from Impression Obsession, one of our sponsors.  They have a new challenge every two weeks and I am submitting this card for their "I'm Thankful For" challenge this week.  Can you tell I'm thankful for my cuddle time?

I stamped out the Small Couple stamp and then masked the couple and created a sun.  Next, I masked the sun and the couple and brayered  Spectrum Kaleidacolor ink over to create the sky.  Finally, I coloured in grass with my Prismacolor pencil crayons and OMS.  I think the Embossed Stickles technique accented this image beautifully. 

I encourage you to join in on our weekly challenges.  If you don't have the CD, you can click the link above.  It is one of my favourite CD's, and I'm sure it will be yours too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow- that background is so cool! Love the beautiful sunset too : )
