Monday, April 1, 2013

It's No Joke!! Technique of the Week......

That's right, Friends!!  It's not a joke!  The Technique Junkie Newsletter would never kid about something as wonderful as Technique of the Week!  We are back and bringing you the first of many wonderful Technique of the Week Challenges!! You are going to want to play along.....for fun, for games and maybe even a prize from time to time!!!

Each and every Monday, a new Technique of the Week will be announced right here!!  All week long, you are encouraged to give it a whirl and share your artwork with all of us over on the yahoo group.  Please remember that your post, on the yahoo group, must contain a photo of your art rather than just a link :)

From the newsletter, hitting your mailboxes soon, if not already......Alcohol Ink Splatter!!  This fun technique requires few extra supplies, but always produces an uniquely different piece!  I've chosen to adorn my piece very little, so as not to obscure my marvelous background.  Nothing says "clown" like splattered ink so, naturally, I chose a favorite image from I Brake For Stamps to finish things off.  This clown is one of several from the Rick St. Dennis line and just never goes out of style!!

Happy April, Happy Stamping!!!  Please join us for some crafty fun and sharing on the yahoo group! 
TTFN, Jane

1 comment:

  1. Awesome card Jane. So glad to see Technique of the Week back.
