Thursday, August 15, 2013

a Polished Stone Card by Judy Jackson

This is a long ago standard technique that has been around for a long time.  I recently made a few backgrounds using that technique.  Tonight I was doing some tidying up  work – not really but finishing some Christmas cards I started a couple of months ago. Every year it is my goal to have Christmas cards finished early and before Thanksgiving.  I have never made that goal!  But this year I just might!    I have 18 full cards made, and 75 focal images colored. I am not sure just how I will use those 75 images in a card design, but they are all colored!  And those are just big steps towards being done, I am pleased with myself. 


So in doing this tidying up stuff, I came across the piece of polished stone and thought to myself I should use that tonight on a card.  So I then searched through my drawer of pieces of “card starts.”  Do you have a drawer or box or envelope of “card starts?”  So with the elements “found” I put together this cards.  The focal image is colored with water color pencils and blended with an  aqua pen. I did have to stamp the saying fresh tonight. J 


All stamps all from Stampin’ Up!
Be creative today!
Judy Jackson

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