Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Smooch Direct by Judy Jackson

Sometimes when stamping I do not want to try anything new and I want to use a "tried and true" technique.  And sometimes when I am stamping and need a quick card, I turn to the small drawer in my craft room that holds bits and pieces of what I call card parts.  There are backgrounds, focal images, things I demoed at a stamp convention eons ago, just this and that to use when I need something quick for a card. That is how this card evolved - from the pieces in my "card parts" drawer. 

There are three different card parts on this card from my "card parts" drawer.   
There is the focal image  using the Smooch Direct technique from the October 2009 TJ newsletter. I stamped and embossed with gold powder the words "with sympathy" from Endless Creations.  The Inkadinkadoo roses were already stamped on black card stock.  The original tutorial says to use black glossy card stock and this is with plain black card stock.

The next part was piece of pale green vellum. It had a greeting stamped in the middle and I knew it might be a long, long time before I would use that greeting so the previously stamped verse is behind the focal image of the roses.   

The green vellum is adhered to the embossed card stock underneath.  To do this you only stick one-half of the card stock in the embossing folder and run the folder and card stock through your embossing machine. Half of the card will be sticking out of the folder.  Then take that half embossed card stock piece and turn it around.  Place the un-embossed end of the card stock in a different embossing folder and run it through your embossing machine.  Then I used a sponge with ink from an ink pad and gently rubbed the sponge over the embossed images on the card stock.  That way the embossed areas show up better behind the vellum.  I placed a length of ribbon over the vellum highlighting the middle of the card stock.
I added some gold text weight paper as some layering, added some gold rhinestones as an embellishment, and I am done.  
So I wonder -- do you have a "card parts" drawer?  I have a separate drawer with completed ATC's I have made but my card parts drawer usually are only one layer and have had no thought beyond creating that one part.  But there are lots of those "parts."  Sometimes I like to challenge myself to use parts and pieces from the "card parts" drawer.   Can you join me in my challenge to myself and use previously created "card parts" you may have in a drawer, or in a box, or in a bag or envelope?  What can you create from your "card parts" in the next week?
Happy stamping!

Judy Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Lovely card. I have a drawer that holds "extra" bg from when I'm playing, and if I remember, I write the name of the technique on the back for later use.
