Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tie Dye Circles by Judy Jackson

 It is no secret that the Technique Junkie Design Team gets to play with different techniques for the newsletter long before the subscribers receive the newsletter in their mailboxes.  I made two cards for the April-May  TJ newsletter using this technique.  

At the time I made those cards, I thought I am not sure that I "love" this technique and these may be the only cards I make with this technique.  Has this ever happened to you?  You see an interesting technique and you think to yourself, "I need to give that a try," only you did not enjoy using that technique.  You may have even thought I won't do THAT again.  Well, whatever the technique was please consider giving it another go!  As I felt that way about this technique, and of course for this blog week I am assigned this technique - again.  

So I just decided I was going to do my best!  Well, the second time was the charm!  I am so happy with these cards and with how the technique came out.  Perhaps I didn't utilize the most pleasing color choices the last time because I really love these cards!  And now I think I want to make a few cards with this technique.

Stamp credits for both cards are the same -- Lily of the Valley and Technique Junkie Rubber stamps. You can find the Simple Sentiments set on this web page -

Have you tried this technique from the April-May TH newsletter?  If not, why don't you give it a try?

Judy Jackson


  1. Oh My! Judy, These are so well done!

    Thanks for sharing. I'll have to try this technique.

  2. I'm glad you gave it a second go. They say twice is the charm. I particularly like the results of the orange and brown. I've been in you shoes where I do a technique I'm not fond of, but then whalaa, trying it again I love it.

  3. I love these. Great technique. tfs.
    Florence x
