Tuesday, August 26, 2014

TOTW Waxy Windows

Hi Everyone, Jackie K here with two examples of the Waxy Window technique.
I have always loved this resist technique as the possibilities are only limited by the number of embossing folders you have, and the number of Kalidecolor stamp pads you possess, LOL!
This card uses stamps from Inkadinkado and Club Scrap. Aren't the colors vibrant?
It is really fun watching the resist form as you brayer the color on.
The stamps on this card are from PSX and Club Scrap. Once again very vibrant colors. As you can see, this resist isn't as pronounced as the other one. Choice of EF perhaps, not sure. It's all an experiment to me. I keep forgetting not to have a white card base when I post on here. It gets lost in the background.
I hope you have enjoyed my examples and that they inspire you to give this a try.
I will see you back here soon if I survive the last of the summer in the desert!
Happy Stamping!


  1. WOW! The colours are stunning.... seriously stunning, Shelly. Such fabulous makes. Thanks for your get well wishes for Rosie. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Her appetite is sort of back. She's had a blood transfusion that we hope will fix her anaemia. She's a fighter. Have a lovely week!
    hugs, Asha

  2. So pretty. I love the bright colours on the top card. The lady is a nice image.
