Thursday, January 8, 2015

Technique Junkies Design Team Call

We are looking for a few Dynamic Designers who are passionate about Stamping and Stampbooking to join our Creative Team.

Do you love to Stamp?  Do you love elegant, classical and whimsical images?  Are you active on Social Media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest?  Then we invite you to become part of the Technique Junkies Creative Design Team!

Technique Junkies purchased Stamp Camp in 2014, and has been working on a new website launch. We need a creative team to help us show off our new look and all of our new stamps to the world through your blog, websites, and other social media. The new site will be ready March 1st, and we want a team that is ready to launch with us!

This special group will develop projects and tutorials for our website and blog, have the chance to have their designs showcased on packaging, and have their artwork displayed at tradeshows throughout the country.  In addition, Designers will have the opportunity to create artwork for future tutorial CDs in addition to creating work for the stamp line.

The team will officially start March1st, and will have a term of service through December 31 2015 (9 months).

 Who Should Apply?
We are looking for stampers, stampbookers and stamping papercrafters who have the following skills:
1.  Strong Social Media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Blog)

2.  Clear, Crisp, and Engaging Project Photography

3.  Fantastic project tutorials, tips, and how-to’s; both video and picture format.

4.  The desire to help Technique Junkies develop a stronger presence in the online stamping community. 4 projects per month are required, 2 on the Technique Junkies blog and 2 on your own personal blog.  There may be need for additional projects for blog hops and CD releases on a volunteer basis. Compensation for additional projects will be separate from what is listed below.

5. We love techniques, and if you do, too, this is a great opportunity for you. BUT - if you prefer clean and simple, or have another style, that is great too – variety is what we are looking for.

6. A commitment to the full 9 month term of March 1st through December 31, 2015.

What do I need to do to apply?
Send an email to with the following information:
1.  Your full name, email address, phone number, and address. List your current design team affiliations (if any) and past affiliations.  Note: It’s okay if you have not been on a team before. I am interested in the quality of your work!

2.  Links to all of your social media outlets:   Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and any other on-line sites/galleries.

3.  Please share links to three (3) of your favorite stamping projects. Make sure that the projects represent your best photography and your personal style. I want to see what you love! Note that these do not need to be new projects, nor do they need to use our stamps or techniques for the application.

4. Tell us a little about yourself…how you started, what you love, the type of stamps (cute, elegant, weird, classic, vintage, photo-style, etc.) you like, What kind of stamps you are drawn to (birds, butterflies, geometrics, etc.).  Just a paragraph or two – whatever you are comfortable telling us.

5. What are your favorite mediums and coloring tools? Do you like to color or are you a master of ink? Or both?

What’s in it for you?
1. We will promote your name/work on the Technique Junkies blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Newsletters, and website.

2. You will receive a box of stamps/cds immediately when selected.  It’ll be like Christmas!

3. You will have a $75.00 stipend per quarter to spend on stamps. I always pay for postage.

4. You will receive a 30% discount on stamps beyond your stipend quarterly.

5. You may choose one tutorial CD per month.

6. You will receive a box of goodies from time-to-time to supplement the stamps above, and to keep things fresh.

The call is open immediately and will end on February 10th 2015, at midnight EST. Confirmation emails will be sent out when we receive your application (but we do travel, so give us a day or two before following up). A final decision will be made by February 16th, 2015.

I cannot wait to see your work!

P.S. Know another stamper who would love this? Pass it on!

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