Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Little Birthday Wish.......

{Jane Bosi}

Happy Thursday!  Today, I have a fun technique to share with you!  Recently, I pulled out my Artistic Effects CD--what a great one it is!!  The technique I'm show casing today is called Goosed Gelatos.  I LOVE THIS TECHNIQUE!!  Sorry for shouting, but WOW!  what colorful and interesting backgrounds this technique produces!

I own the big 28 colored Mix & Match Gelato gift set.  It looks like this:
I adore it and it gives me soooo many choices!!  For this project, I used Lavendar, Cotton Candy, Bubble Gum, Pistachio and Grape.

After my amazing background dried, I finished it off with some card stock candles and a few fun Technique Junkie Stamps.  You'll find A Little Birthday Wish (#SD398) and Make A Tree Set (#SS014) in the Technique Junkie Stamp store!

Go on now!! Pull out that CD and give it a go!
Don't forget to be awesome!  TTFN, Jane

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