Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring is Here!

Hellooooo!  I'm Robin Redd (a.k.a. RockinReddRobin!)  
This is my introductory blog post.  I'm having so much fun with my new Technique Junkie stamps.  
I hope you enjoy what I have to share in the upcoming months.
I didn't have the Spellbinders die that was the size bigger that frames this die, so I took a coordinating Tombow marker and colored in a frame right onto the die. 
I used this "Patiently Waiting" stamp as my focal point on the die-cut piece. 
I used the Pick and Omit technique with this, "The Best Gift" stamp.

I colored only the bird and the wire with Tombow Markers, omitting the words on this stamp.

And, here is my final product!

I hope I've inspired you to create something today.  ~Robin


  1. I have both these stamps and I love them. Thank you for showing us how you created your edging and leaving the words off the stamp. I wouldn't have thought to do that. How clever. Welcome aboard.
