Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chicken Sandwich Anyone?

Good Day Junkies!  The Crafty Nurse here with a post from the Technique Junkies May Release.  

For this card card I broke out my Distress Inks in Scattered Straw and Abandoned Coral on Smooth Bristol paper to create the technique called, "Color Sandwich" from the Simple & Easy Inking Technique CD.  When blending distress inks make sure you start off the page and then move in circular motion toward the card with light consistent pressure.  The Bristol Smooth paper is amazing for blending distress inks

I embossed "Chicken MC002" with Versafine Black Onyx Ink and heat set with clear powder, which I prefer to black embossing powder.  The sentiment "Needed To Be #553", fits nicely next to my image and adds a little bit of whimsey needed for the card.

To finish off, I added Viva Pearl Pen in Pearl all over the dots on the "Chicken" image and in black to add interest to the top right corner.  

I sure hope you get a chance to stop on over to the new Technique Junkies store and see all the new May release stamps as well as other great new products.  

Happy Inking!

The Crafty Nurse

1 comment:

  1. Love this technique. I've never tried it yet. I really like that chicken.
