Monday, August 10, 2015

Doggie Fun by Judy Jackson

Any one who has been reading my blog knows by now that  I am  in the process of  moving my stamp room from  a larger room to a smaller room. Today is my assigned day to post for the Technique Junkie Design Team.  And since I have "enough of my supplies" moved and settled into my new stamp room, I was able to make one card.

I have no ribbons moved, no fibers moved, very little in background paper, two paper cutting tools but only one place to cut with it. The new counter top is still loaded with stuff to sort and put away.

Our neighborhood is sponsoring a multi family garage sale this next weekend.  So I am also trying to get ready for that with all of the things i no longer have room for in my new stamp room. Going from a 10x12 room to an 8x9 room means I cannot keep some things no matter what.  So I have to decide all of that  too. 

So this cute doggie stamp is called "Fun and Games" and you can find it here --

What have you done lately to get inky? 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice card. I like FUN lettering. Having just moved into a small space like you, I know what it is like to need to purge. I got rid of three boxes of stamps, and of course I regret the way in which I just opened the box, said, "nope" and gave it to Good Will. Good luck with your move and I hope you are able to keep most of your stuff.
