Monday, September 7, 2015

July and August Release Stamps

After my hubby passed away I was so overwhelmed with everything that there was to do.  The "tyranny of the urgent" was my life for many days and weeks.  For many weeks there were cards to be read in my mail box, bank accounts, bills, credit cards, life insurance questions, and more to do every day.  And that doesn't count planning the funeral service and all of the physical things that had to be done in my house.   So I stamped cards only as I had a need to do so -- including for my blog or the Technique Junkie Design Team blog. Needless to say, I was woefully behind  in stamping the new releases for Technique Junkie Stamps.   I have finally caught up with stamping.  I still am dealing with the financial aspects of everything but I have reached the point where I have to deal with those things as they appear in my mailbox.  It is a weight lifted on my shoulders.  So You will have to bear with me as I share a few cards today created with August release stamps.  This post will feature "doggie stamps."  Another blog post soon will feature other July or August release stamps.

This  doggie obviously wants to have fun but he must have had something not  fun happen to him.   I used dye based markers to color him.  I layered him on panel stamped with an alphabet stamp.

The next two cards use the same doggie stamps -
This cards also uses a July Release background stamp called Star Gazers -  Dye based markers were used to color the dogs and the flowers.  The sentiment is Believe in Yourself - 

The sentiment and Treble-Clef stamps are  and

More cards to come! Have a wonderful Labor Day!


  1. These cards are oh-so-cute!!! I'm just in love with the cone of shame card. Ha! I'm glad you're getting back to crafting for enjoyment. Sending you lots of crafty hugs.

  2. Very cute. The orange one is intriguing. I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like things are going better for you now. Blessings.

  3. Thanks, Judy! These are so cute.

