Thursday, October 29, 2015

Technique Junkies 30 Days of Christmas-Day 15

Happy Thursday Junkies!

Jerri here from a bushel and a hug to share a Christmas Tag I made for Day 15!

Christmas Trees Set of 6 is one of my favorite stamp sets.  This set is so versatile.  To make this tag, I began by using some of the Tim Holtz metallic stain. I smeared the stain all over the tag and then spritzed it with some water.  Once the tag was dry I stamped my trees.  I stamped the trees in the background on a piece of scrap paper first and then stamped again on the tag without re-inking. This gives a lighter stamp and for this purpose makes it seem as though there are trees in the background.  I used a stiff paint brush and some thinned down, white paint to spritz white spots all over the top.  I used a gray stamp pad to rub along the edges and a bow to finish it off.

Make sure you check out the Design Team Blog to get tons of Christmas inspiration.

Have a fantastic day

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