Wednesday, November 4, 2015

30 Days of Christmas, Day 21

Hi! So glad you are here. Today we continue with Day 21 of the 30 Days of Christmas, and we are lucky today - there are 3 posts dedicated to our Christmas inspiration!  One is my post, here, and then two of the TJ designers, Kathy and Judy, both have dedicated Christmas Posts featuring Technique Junkies Christmas stamps. You can find them here:

Judy Jackson: and
Kathy Stacey:

Today I am featuring the Folk Art stamp:
To create this card,I sprayed 2 plain white pieces of A2 cardstock with several colors of Art Anthology Coloration Sprays: Timeless, Valentine, and Grass. After the pieces dried, I stamped the Folk Art background over one, and cut it out an Ornament Die. The die was layered onto a red piece of cardstock, then black. That piece was layered over the second spraed cardstock piece before being adhered to the white card base.  Finally, I added the ribbon and used my stamp positioner to stamp the JOY stamp on the card.

I hope you have enjoyed our Christmas inspiration today! Remember, all Technique Junkies Christmas stamps are 20% off through November 13th by using the word Christmas as the coupon code at checkout.

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