Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Partridge, A Pear Tree

{jane bosi}  This lovely image is so much fun to work with!  I'm not wholly convinced it's a just for Christmas time image!  Despite being Partridge in a Pear Tree, and all the Christmasy connotations, this is an image for year round use!  It's easy to omit the sentiment when stamping, as I've done, and is seasonably versatile.....because I said so!  LOL!!

I wanted an end project that was soft and shabby.  I started by coloring right on to the stamp face with distress markers and then stamping on Fabriano water color paper.  Next, I ran my aqua brush over the tree trunk and branches to enhance the water colored look.

I added accent stamping with both the Fresh Chevron and French Text backgrounds.  I lightened the edges of the focal image with gesso rubbings, allowing just portions of the french script to be seen.  I love how this softened the look and feel of the card.

In all the hustle and bustle, I hope you are still finding time to feed your soul with a little paper and ink....Be Awesome!  TTFN, Jane

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