Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bee My Honey

Happy Thursday! Jerri here from a bushel and a hug.  I had a wonderful, busy, crazy weekend.  I have most of my Christmas shopping done, which is a bit of a holiday miracle for me.  Just a few small gifts left to  get and I will be done.  I do have a lot of baking to do however. I'm hoping I can get that done in time.

Today I'm sharing a quick and easy card for your special person.  I think it would even be adorable as a Valentine card.

Today I used the stamp set called Bee Quotes.  I used the bee from the stamp and stamped it randomly all over the white piece and then embossed in black.  I chose the sentiment from the set Bee My Honey and embossed it in black as well. Although the photography is poor and it doesn't show, the sentiment was pop dotted.  I also set the card off with a small black ribbon.
Have a Beautiful day!


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