Thursday, February 25, 2016

Those Who Wish To Sing

{jane bosi} Greetings, Junkies!!  Today's project is a colorful one I created using my Gel Press Printing Plate, some acrylic paint and a few other odds and ends!  I love using the printing plates and have found need for one of every size!  Even my kiddo's like to use them.  I wish I had discovered them years ago when we were heavy into finger painting!  I was lucky enough to get several background pieces from just one inking of the plate--so, you are likely to see this combo of colors on some upcoming projects, as well!

Once dry, I punched several differently sized circles from the background piece and then layered it over a second background.  For the second background, I used kraft cardstock, black ink and one of my favorite background stamps, Fresh Chevron.

To finish things off, I added Rain Dance and Always Find A Song.

Enjoy!  Be Awesome--Jane

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