Thursday, March 10, 2016

Black Fajitas

{jane bosi}  I just read one of those "pick your name" thingys on Facebook--Name Your Band.  You arrive at your band name by noting the color of your pants and the last thing you ate.....LOL!!  Black Fajitas would be my band name and we would sing our heads off!

It made me think of this card I made with the last of my Gel Printing Plate paper---time to have more gel printing fun!  For this one, I stamped over the colorful background with the Barbed Wire stamp.  I added Free My Soul and a few sequins for a little shine...

What's your band's name???
LOL--Be Awesome!  Jane

1 comment:

  1. What a cool background. I'm starting to think I need that barbed wire bg stamp. Oh, and by the way, I'm brown yogurt.
