Monday, September 5, 2016

Be Scary!

There are times in everyone's life when things do not go the way you plan.  The tyranny of the "URGENT"  becomes the driving force in a day's happening.  That has been my last 3 days.  I am scheduled to post to the Design Team blog on every other Monday.  My "every other Monday" is Labor Day September 5.  I will barely make it -- it will be almost midnight before this is posted.  But it will be done!

I was away for almost 2 weeks.  I had to watch my three young grandchildren for almost 2 1/2 days straight.  I will need to do this tomorrow afternoon as well.  No crafting time with 7, 5, and 3 year old to watch!

But here is my card for today - Monday, September 5. I used two NEW Technique Stamps to create my card. I used Be Scary -, and Witchy Moon -  Remember these stamps are on sale for 15% off through September 8!

By the time I was able to begin to work on this card -- at nearly 9:00PM -- I was almost brain dead.   But I forged ahead. I have found -- for me -- if I need inspiration I need to look at what ever scraps are laying around on my craft table and see what I come up with.  And that is what I did!

 I saw a piece of orange glitter paper and wondered what I do with it.  I used Art Anthology paints and some other thick paints very similar to those for this card.  I spread of the green paints on the bottom of the trimmed to size orange glitter paper.  Then I sprayed some purple Art Anthology Colorations spray across the top.  I used a paint brush to spread that puddled Colorations spray across the sky.  I heat set those paints.  Then I inked up the witch with black Versafine ink pad and stamped it on the orange glitter paper.  I wasn't even sure this would work because of the texture!  I spread detail black embossing powder over the image and heat embossed.  I was quite please with the results!  A word to note - this glitter paper is very smooth!  However, the center of the very solid parts of this image did not emboss as well as the edges.   So I "painted" some the reinker for this  ink pad over those solid ares and heat embossed with black detail embossing powder.  Success!

Now I want the moon to stand out against the orange sky.  I first tried the Art Anthology gold Minx and painted it over the surface of the moon,  It worked to a certain degree  but not how I was now envisioning the moon to look. I put on two layers of the Minx and heat set between each one.  Then I took some of the light yellow Art Anthology bger medium and painted over the moon.  That was better but still not "quite right."  So I got out the gold Minx again and spread more of that over the gel medium.  That was closer to my imagination!  Then I heat set it.  As it dried the moon's surface developed sop,e interested texture.  

I stamped the verse on yellow vellum, heat embossed  it, and ran it through the smaller Xyron machine. After tearing the edges  I adhered to the card front.  It is all layered on black card stock.

Happy stamping, and get inky!

Judy Jackson

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