Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pinecones Stamped on Recycled Paper

Hello Everyone,
Hope your day is going well!  I am still busy making Christmas cards.  I have completed quite a few already.  Let's check out a batch of Christmas cards I made using stamps from the October New Releases from Technique Junkies.

Now, being the fugal crafter that I am, I reused something to make the cards. Back story--I made a trip to the post office to send out a card order and buy some stamps.  The stamps were put in a nice shiny bag.  I thought it seemed like very interesting paper and I should not throw it out.  Okay, I know, not throw out a bag from the Post office??  But, really, just look at the bag.

As, you can see, I have stamped on the bag.  I used dye inks.  They worked the best.  I tried others but they did not turn out as well.  After cutting the bag apart, I was able to stamp five of the Pinecone images.  And, I turned the stamped bag into these cards...

Stamps: Pinecones and All is Calm from Technique Junkies
Ink: Rich Cocoa and Tuxedo Black Memento dye ink
CS: gold
DP: Striped holiday paper MME
Burlap Snowflake ribbon
Bag from Post Office

Make It:

  • Make a card base with gold CS
  • Stamp Pinecones on the Post office bag with Rich Cocoa ink and trim to size
  • Add pinecones piece to card base
  • Tear pieces of decorative paper and add to the card base on corners

  • Stamp All is Calm with black ink in upper corner
  • Tie ribbon in bow 
  • Glue charm and bow to card front

Two more color options:

Of course, I had to try the stamp on other types of paper and CS.  I used different ink colors too.  Here are some more examples using the same layout.

Stamped on other types of papers:
Glossy White CS

 Shimmery cream CS

Regular white CS

The cards went together pretty quickly.  I spent most of the time going through all my decorative papers to find striped papers that coordinated with the stamping and CS.  LOL   I made ten all together.  They are going in my Christmas card list box.

Hope you enjoyed checking out the cards!!  See you again soon for more Holiday projects!!
Karen McAlpine
Dreaming and Creating


  1. A large variety of cards with the same theme. Good show!

  2. Wow, lots of eye candy. Lovely work thinking outside the box.

  3. Great set of cards and hat would make a lovely gift.

  4. What a fabulous idea!!! Love, those cards, too.
