Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Is History!

2017 ... A Mystery!

Hi, Junkies! Hope you all had fulfilling Holidays. Now that all that madness is over, it's time to wind down the year.

One project I always do in December is some sort of calendar for the new year. It ends my year with a fun project and starts out my next year with creative inspiration. I decided to do a CD calendar jfor 2017. So each month in 2017, I will share a new page from my calendar project. BTW....stay tuned for all the great new stamps Technique Junkies has to offer in 2017. The Design Team Blog Hop will kick off on January 2nd with a host of new projects.  On to the calendar!

January is usually a looooooong month. Nothing fun goes on and it's always cold and dreary in Michigan. I kind of feel like this kitty. Peeking out to see if the snow is gone yet.


  • Kitty Watching (SD635)
  • Snow Swirls (S726)
  • 2017 Calendar (I made my own but there are plenty free ones to download on the internet)
  • Memento Ink: Tuxedo Black and Summer Sky
  • White cardstock
  • Empty CD case
Build It:
  • First step is to remove the CD "guts". Remove the lid and flip it around forming a stand for your calendar.
  • You will need a piece of cardstock with the calendar printed on it.
  • I masked off calendar with a post-it note and, using the MISTI, stamped the kitty onto a post-it note. I stamped the kitty on the calendar. I then cut the kitty out of the post-it and used that as a mask.
  • Next, I stamped the background.
  • I removed the post-its and cut my cardstock down to 4.75" x 4.75" and mounted it on another piece of heavier cardstock. (The heavy stuff wouldn't go through my printer.)
  • Slide the calendar into the front of the CD case and there you have a fun calendar!

Hope you are inspired to give it a try! Happy New Year!

Til next time,
Keepin' It Inky!


  1. Great project Ro. I look forward to seeing your monthly calendars. Terrific idea.
