Tuesday, March 28, 2017

How to Do Reverse Embossing

Hello fellow stampers.  It's Beth Norman with a Reverse Embossing tutorial for you today.  I used the elegant Peeking stamp and Believe in Yourself.

We now have a deal for you.  Simply use TJ10Beth to get 10% off your stamp order.
Supplies: Oversized cardstock, 4 x 5 1/4 cardstock, two colours of ink, sponges, die
With your die, cut out your shape on your oversized cardstock, leaving a lot of room to sponge without getting colour on the edges of the template.
Lay your smaller sized cardstock under your cardstock that has been cut out with your embossing machine.
Sponge in your lightest colour and cover the entire open area.  Here I used SU Flirty Flamingo.
Next, sponge in a darker colour, keeping it close to the outside of your circle, or whatever shape you use.  Here I used SU Sweet Sugarplum.
Finished sponged work.
I love my Misti.  It allows for fabulous placement.  Finish your image as desired.