Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Daily Reminder

Hello All Lanette Here! 

Today I wanted to share an altered frame. Featuring "Let your Light Shine". 

Matthew 5:16  is the perfect reminder everyday. So I figured it would be perfect to be on display.

A closer look just for fun...

  Isn't he just too cute!! 

Here is a better look at the stamp I used today...

SD770 Let Your Light Shine

Thank you so much for stopping by today! 

I hope that I have inspired you in some way!


  1. Oh Lanette, you have so much talent. This project rocks. I wish I had the capability to do multi media like you.

  2. Great framed piece, Lanette. I bought this stamp because it is my everyday motto -- from the high school I attended. Recently, a family member used this passage as part of her wedding ceremony. . .how great is that?! Thanks for sharing your creativity.
