Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Cat Collection

Hello, fellow Junkies! Toodle Noodle Ro here today with some crazy cats! Lots of 'em!
So let's take a look right meow!

I love cats (...and dogs...and bunnies...and giraffes...and llamas...and...well, you get the picture). And I thought using several of the TJ stamps from the cat family would be fun. I have used five stamps here, starting upper left and going clockwise:

  1. Crazy Cat Border
  2. Cats and More Cats
  3. Coffee Kitty
  4. Kitty Watching
  5. Downton Boy Kitty
To make the card, I die cut the blue frame and placed it on the yellow cardstock to lightly draw pencil lines where the openings would be. Then, using post-it notes to mask off the various areas, I stamped the images in black ink.

The frame was then adhered to the yellow cardstock, which was adhered to the orange cardstock. I wrapped some twine and attached the layers to a white card base.

An aside about me, I work in a very laid back office and we have an office cat. My boss is an ER doctor (who is also an animal fanatic) and when I found this little stray kitty he said she could stay. So we named her Ativan (in case you don't know, Ativan is an anti-anxiety medication) and we call her our "therapy cat."  And she is my constant assistant...she has even been known to send text messages all by herself!

Hope you enjoyed my post today. Don't be afraid to mix and match your stamps. You just may come up with a fun result!

If you'd like to save 10% on these or any other stamps at Technique Junkies, feel free to use my very special code for you:
Til next time,
Keepin' it inky!

1 comment:

  1. What a unique design you have here. Love how you managed to use so many stamps. Ativan sounds like a nice pet to have for the office.
