Friday, September 1, 2017

Technique Junkies September Release Hop and GIVEAWAY!

Happy September Release Day!

We have 21 new stamps in the Technique Junkies line! 
We are so thrilled with the new release we decided to do something extra special! 

We will be choosing TWO lucky people who comment on this month's release hop - those two people will each win a $100 Technique Junkies gift certificate!!! 
The more you comment the more chances you have to win, so don't miss a single stop along the hop! Gift Certificate winners will be announced on September 5th.
Only one comment entry per blog please. 

All of the September 2017 New Release stamps are 15% off through September 8th!
We can all use a little bargain, right? No codes needed, just put them in
your shopping cart and the discount will be applied at checkout.

Here are some projects from Jeanne to get the party started! 

My first card uses Christmas Cocktail. I used swiped dye ink and then bleach for my background. The drink image was watercolored, cut out and layered on top. 

My next card uses Rustic Pine and Gifts of Christmas (set of 5). This is another ink and bleach background. This time I used a paintbrush to apply the bleach. Make sure and check out our current challenge HERE for a variation of this technique. 

Now hop on over to our very special Guest Designer...

Hop List:

Design Junkies Blog (you are here)

Have a great day!


  1. I like both of these cards. Seeing them encourages me to try this bleaching that you've done. Thank you!

  2. I thought last month was good but this month is tops!

  3. I like the idea of using bleach - not wanting to bleach my clothes accidentally keeps me from going there!

  4. The Christmas Cocktail card is amazing. All the crafters did a beautiful job.

  5. That Christmas cocktail card is so unique, love it!

  6. Seeing the Christmas cocktail stamp made into a card has given me some ideas. May have to place another order and pick this one up, too.

  7. Lovely cards. Another person who has seen the bleach technique but a bit shy to try. Maybe now I will give it a whirl after seeing these backgrounds. So nice of you to do this giveaway.

  8. Love these! The naught nice card made me smile, and the bleaching is SO much fun! Was looking to incorporate bleach in a September workshop, and you've given me a great idea with brushing it on! Thanks for your inspiration, Jeanne!

  9. You have reintroduced me to bleaching. I love it on the Christmas cocktail card. Great background!

  10. These are both wonderful cards and I love the new Christmas sayings....

  11. love that drink sentiment! the bleach technique is too cool! I have to try it!


  12. Wow! Awesome cards!!! I'm in love for the stunning colouring of your first one!!!

  13. I really like the Christmas Cocktail card. May have to order that stamp.

  14. Awesome cards and I love these stamps. (I haven't used the bleach technique in some time, I guess its time to re-visit that one!) Beautifully done!

  15. Gorgeous cards! I can already feel this weeks paycheck slipping away!

  16. loving the cocktail card, awesome looking between the watercolored drink and the bleach background...striking. And the sentiment is great! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Awesome idea. I've never tried this technique. Your cards are beautiful.

  18. I especially love the drink card- very retro.

  19. Your cards are just perfect! I need to try this bleaching technique I never used. Thanks for great hop

  20. The colors on your first card pop!
    Maria B

  21. Very interesting backgrounds, especially the one with brush strokes.

  22. That cocktail stamp looks amazing ... fabulous cards.

  23. LOVE the christmas cocktail, very unique!

  24. Wonderful stamping. Makes me want to try the bleaching.

  25. What fantastic cards! I particularly like the cool backgrounds: thanks for sharing this fun technique - I'm keen to give it a whirl!

  26. These new stamps are just great. Love them all.

  27. What cool and unique cards! I really like them!!! Looking forward to hopping and seeing more great inspiration!!! :)

  28. both cards are really great but I love the cocktail recipe!

  29. Love your cocktail card- really pretty and make me smile : ) Your bleaching technique is beautiful on this card BG- love that stamp too!

  30. Just love both bleach techniques! It's been a while but you have inspired me to try my hand again. Love the drink, it looks like you could quench your thirst right off the page! Thanks for sharing your talent.

  31. I love both cards, I have not tried bleaching but I am now after seeing your cards.

  32. lovely card, fun new release...

  33. I haven't played with the bleach technique in years. Your cards have inspired me.

  34. LOVE your cocktail note card, its beautiful!!!!

  35. Cute sentiment on the Christmas Cocktail card. Love the Rustic Pine and the lovely sentiment on the second card.

  36. I'm a long-time Technique Junkies fan, and I didn't know you had stamps until I saw Lydia Fiedler's blog! I just love that rustic Christmas tree stamp and the sentiment!

    moot96 AT aol DOT com (I don't use gmail address)

  37. I love the bleached technique. Guess I need to try it. the prim tree is great. I LOVE PRIM!

  38. Your September release is spot on! The cards a so fun and I love the bleach technique-must try it.

  39. Both cards are beautiful. It's so amazing that by just changing how the bleach is applied, you achieve such a different look.

  40. Love these. Can't wait to see them in person!!!!

  41. I think I need that Christmas Cocktail stamo to make the invitations for my annual Cookie Exchange.

  42. What a fun way to show off the cocktails stamp! Off to do more happy hopping!


  43. I love all the new stamps and many of the older ones. Where do I begin. I can't wait to get my order in, you really don't see these designs on other websites, very unique.

  44. Good stuff! Love the Rustic Pine card, and the drink one, too, especially the bleaching technique, I haven't used that one in quite some time. Will have to get out some bleach and give it a go again. Just maybe on some brand new TJ stamps. Just need to decide which ones. Thanks for sharing.

  45. Oh my gosh, what pretty and creative products and projects! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)

  46. Fabulous cards! Love the Christmas Cocktail stamp, and that awesome Rustic Pine! The bleach technique looks great!

  47. Love the effects of bleach.
    Thanjs for sharing.

  48. Love to learn new techniques and see such great finished items.

  49. Love the Christmas cocktail stamp. I'm always looking for a new and different take on a "tropical" Christmas theme since I'm here in Florida and I think this would fit the bill. Just add a little paper umbrella and away we go....!!

  50. Love the pine tree card! Love the watercolor look.

  51. Two pretty cards...especially liked the cocktail Christmas card.
    Thank you for fun new release and blog hop giveaway.

  52. What incredible ideas. You are so creative. Thanks for giving us some good details.

  53. What a great blog hop for this new release. Started my wish list with the first hop and it grew with every person down the line! Sorry, Ro, I couldn't get your "post comment" to work for me. TFS your creations.

  54. What a great idea with the cocktail. Have to do some.

  55. Love the cards. Especially the Christmas cocktail. I'll have one!

  56. two wonderful cards using bleach for backgrounds.
    stamping sue

  57. Wow...two beautifully crafted cards. Thanks for the blog hop and chance to win a great prize.
